ICSA, is the only independent, not-for-profit, regulatory body for cookery schools in the UK. Promoting excellence in cookery skills and training.
Applying schools must provide professional teaching standards, taught by designated professional Chef Tutors. Experienced in teaching and professional cooking. Membership is by application and invitation.
Your ICSA accreditation provides:
- Official endorsement of your school and signature courses.
- Improved profile, recognition and credibility.
- Added value elements to your school and related courses.
- Student reassurances in their qualification being recognised in related industries in relation to ‘Academy’ courses.
- A robust and systematic process for measuring the quality of your training and learning provision.
- Increased overseas student appeal.
- Part of on-going industry improvements via lobbying and representation on behalf of all members.
- Access to expertise that can help your organisation grow including marketing support & materials.
- Nutritional network initiative, broadening the reach and effectiveness of ICSA member schools
- Virtual support direct to members.
- On-line courses and content to students and the public.
- Part of a growing community of cookery school owners and associated benefits, to help improve cookery school standards and grow your business.
- Partner Discounts with our carefully selected British supplier partners, delivering industry beating discounts based on our not-for-profit ‘Education’ status.
- NEW Rebates: Cash back rebates with Nisbets Catering on all your purchases. Helping deliver competitive membership fees, and even direct payments back into your own bank accounts!
Potential new members wishing to apply to join ICSA, will be required to participate in a process, to include:
Application: We will assess your cookery school remotely, based on the below criteria, and if all elements are present, we will invite schools to initially become an ‘Associate’. This provides you a logo to apply on your website and literature, pending assessment. Also all the ICSA membership benefits highlighted below, including partner discounts, advice and dual website listings. Valid for max 12 months.
INTRODUCTORY FEE: £385 with ‘Associate’ logo to display whilst we plan in your assessment visit.
ASSESSMENT VISIT: Our inspectors attend a full days course = £330.
One of our assessors would arrange a visit within 3 months when there is a course on hosted by one of the head tutors to best reflect the overall learning experience. Our tutor will observe (we do not take a paying space unless the school feels this will relax the other guests more, and there is one available)
Fee also includes photography, follow up PR, certificate, kite marks & launch socials media support & welcome gifts!
Once you are assessed and criteria achieved, you receive full ‘ICSA Accreditation’ status, qualifying you for full benefits including displaying your ‘ICSA Accredited Quality Teaching’ assurance logo.
The final annual membership fee is then due, depending on your level of Accreditation, however, you only pay the DIFFERENCE between your £385 application fee and the category you qualify for in year 1. eg: (current prices)
- Accredited Member = £485 PA (Yr 1 pay + £100 once assessed)
- Centre of Excellence £785 PA (Yr 1 pay £400 once assessed)
- Academy £960 PA (Yr 1 pay £575 once assessed)
Renewals are September. So Membership fees are pro rata ie if your assessment is March, you will pay 50% of the above fee to take you to September OR we can set up a monthly payment plan + £5 admin per month.
YEAR 2/RENEWALS for existing members are as above + any optional upgrades. Monthly payment options available + £5PM. Members must display their Accreditation logo on their website linking to their ICSA National Register Listing on our website. See below*
Assessments: Carried out every 2 years onsite, or remotely if no personnel changes.
Excel: If you achieve over 4/5 across the board you are able to upgrade to ‘Centre of Excellence’ see below. CofE Assessments every year after year 2 to ensure consistent standards are achieved.
* NOTE: To return the best value for all members, membership is for a minimum of 2 years. All members are encouraged to maximise their ICSA Accreditation via their own website, literature and in-house marketing. Whilst we are an ‘Accrediting Body’ and not a marketing organisation, we do also support all our members, and the wider industry, via a series of targeted and effective marketing communications across all channels throughout the year, including our annual ‘British Cookery Schools Week’ for all members to benefit for the collective opportunities available. Bespoke support is also available for members, alongside our growing ICSA Cook’s Club, sharing new school and initiatives with past, present and future students.
All memberships are reviewed annually ensuring consistency of ownership and teaching standards are maintained. We ask all members to inform us of any changes. If key personnel change, we reserve the right to request a re-assessment within 6 months.
See below, or ask for details.
Your Head Chef Lecturer must be an experienced culinary professional or qualified teacher and express a clear specialism, whilst providing a broad knowledge of Chef teaching and cookery skills.
Your courses must be fully immersive for each student, focusing on core competences, whilst also provide clear levels of skill based teaching and training.
Provided equipment must be of professional chef/catering standard or high quality, fully maintained domestic. Each student must have their clear designated own work station and access to all appliances.
Promoted through all classes, we encourage members to share informed knowledge and practices in healthy cooking, seasonality, leading to healthy eating and nutrition, for a healthy mind, body and wellbeing.
Members are requested to support and promote where possible our core values. These help underpin our organisations credentials, focus and ethos:
Sourcing regionally
Single use plastic free
Support British produces & suppliers.
Showcasing high animal welfare and organic farming.

Status available to all ICSA Members who have been assessed and qualify under the above criteria, delivering the ICSA core values.
All benefits listed are included. The ICSA Accredited Member 2023/24 ‘Certification Logo’ is available to all who renew, adhering to all criteria.
Accredited Membership Renewals Fee 2023/24: £480 per annum*
* Reduced by 10% on the displaying of ICSA Certification logo on website linking to your ICSA listing, and course materials where appropriate.
Now available Monthly by automated ‘Go-cardless’ Standing order/12 months + £5 per month admin support.
Note: All references to ICSA/logos MUST be removed within 28 days of change of status/termination of membership. Any continuation of display after this date will be charged at full rates.
*Membership renewals subsidised by our Partners at Nisbets Catering.
Available for all members who purchase from Nisbets Catering min £1000 per annum.
Reduced price available on all renewals. EXCLUSIVE discounts of up to 30% off core items for members. PLUS Cash back rebates and discount off your annual renewals.
Member Category Upgrades: Members are now able to choose to upgrade their status, to help with more targeted support and associated marketing.
All upgrades below are now available to choose at your discretion based on your business proposition and needs.
Upgrade prices listed INCLUDE the ‘Accredited Member’ support.
Displayed on your website homepage and key pages, showcasing your membership and ‘Accreditation’ status of your cookery school, once accredited. Assessments will now be reviewed remotely within 2 years, or following any operational changes/negative student feedback. ICSA ‘Certification Logo’ can only be displayed by those schools with valid up to date membership. Removal must be within 28 days of mutual termination.
You will receive a full listing on the ICSA membership accrediting website.
Including interactive map search, venue profile listing, imagery, full facilities listing, contact details, and website link.
Members must up date ICSA support with any changes to their operation.
Premium ‘ICSA Accredited Member’ certificate is supplied to underpin your membership credentials.
Full access to your ICSA members forum, with access only to existing members to discuss issues and ask questions to other members. Member only articles covering industry issues to help you plan courses and respond to trends and legislation. Plus access to ‘Greatest British Supplier Partner’ discounts of up to 50% off essential products, offering additional savings to all members.
One of our qualified members will arrange a visit to assess your school and attend one of your signature courses and help profile your school for future activity focusing on the teaching facilities and the overall ‘Experience’ your school offers.
ACTUAL: On site £385* including all travel, time and on site photography, business marketing review and post-assessment promotion.
(Bi-annual re-assessment every 2 years, or within 6 months of change of ownership).
*Discounted for ‘Centre of Excellence’ & Academy. See below.
VIRTUAL RE-ASSESSMENT: Available for new members £165 / existing members £125.
Member schools are invited to be included in the ‘Greatest British Cookery Collection‘, a leading promoter of Cookery Experience Days, promoting lifestyle focused masterclass courses to approaching 1 million high-end consumers annually, supported by lifestyle media.
Furthermore, as a ‘Not-for-Profit’ organisation, any profits from incremental sales and support will be re-invested back into the ‘ICSA Membership Fund’ for the benefits of operating ICSA, supporting and marketing its members.
All members receive up to 20% off related professional services including: Consultancy, Marketing, Professional Photography, Videography, Copy writing, Website building and support, PR.
Up to 30% Off Nisbets Catering Supplies: Focusing own brand, eco and sustainable products.
REBATE Includes cash back/discounts off annual renewals based on your annual spend with Nisbets after discounts.
Annual, supported by optional virtual mini-forums throughout the year. Details to be announced annually.
All member activity is underpinned by on-going social media support, across all channels #ICSAcookeryschools
Regular posts and news updates by operational team and discussions by members.
Request to join here
Display updated ICSA ‘Certification Logo’ link on website & literature to be supplied.
Accreditation certificates must be displayed in view of students.
ICSA course information sheet inserted into welcome packs where appropriate.
All literature and logos referring to ICSA must be removed within 28 days of mutual termination of membership.
Accept /Promote current National ‘ICSA Cookery School’ monetary gift vouchers scheme in association with myLakeland and our ‘Greatest British’ consumer partners.
Redemption commission.
All members agree to accept the centrally promoted ‘GB ICSA Cookery School’ vouchers and variants.
Flat credit and processing fee 5% charged at point of redemption, paid directly to school prior to course attendance
Profits from any unclaimed vouchers to be re-invested back in to ICSA Membership Fund.
Note: Indirect sales promotions carry up to 10% discount if in association with a national campaign such as Lakeland + 5% credit charge as above.
Allocate up to one day course, for two or equivalent, (Total RRP max £360) for National promos/comps/reader offers.
TAG #ICSACookerySchools &/or #GBCookSchools on relevant tweets/posts to be RT/supported.
Interactions on our members Facebook & our NEW www.Instagram.com/ICSAcookeryschools
Provide license free imagery to promote your school listing and ICSA activities across our wider media network.
Including consumer premium gourmet gift website gourmet-experiences.co.uk and associated social and print media.
Share PR stories with ICSA PR for additional support.
National publicity in partnership with ‘British Food Fortnight’.
Held the first week of October every year. Details to follow.
ICSA Student Cooks Club. All ICSA students are offered the opportunity to upgrade following their course to our ICSAStudentCooks.club which offers additional benefits including exclusive news from our ICSA members, last minute courses, competitions and discounts off member books, and with our partner suppliers.
- 10% Off Gift Certificates
- 10% Off at ALL Lakeland & Nisbets Retail Stores: For cookery equipment and accessories.
- FREE 3 months trial of CKBK recipe platform: Containing over 80,000 recipes. Ideal for course content. Saving recipe on student book purchase!
- Last Minute course offers: Repeat visit promotions.
- Discount Food Magazine subscriptions

An ICSA ‘Centre Of Excellence’ is reserved for members who specialise in core skills, such as Plant Based, Butchery, Fish, Bakery, Confectionary and Nutrition related courses, will now be able to upgrade to showcase their specialisms through their membership, by upgrading from the entry level membership to receive additional pro-active support and benefits. To qualify your school must achieve min 4.5 out of 5 score during your assessment.
ICSA ‘CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE’ | Individual value | |
Benefits include all ‘ACCREDITED’ Member benefits, Plus:- | ||
ICSA WEBSITE Listing fully searchable by ‘Centre Of Excellence’ core categories and specialism. |
CONTENT GENERATED FEATURE Inclusion of submitted feature on your schools core specialism, featured on the ICSA website and associated B2C websites. |
SOCIAL MEDIA Pro-active posts and Retweets/shares of your own venue relevant content. |
GIFT EXPERIENCE PROFILE SOLUTION Promoted via ICSA website and our partner ‘GourmetXperience Cookery Collection‘ websites and social media, profiling your specialist courses and Masterclasses as gift solutions at reduced rate fees. |
DATABASE Included in dedicated Foodie-consumer focused e-shot to 15,000 high net worth consumers x 3 |
PRINT MEDIA Featured in our print partner publications including delicious magazine alongside Food and Travel Magazine, with preferential partner advertising rates. |
PARTNER EVENT Invited to host a Partner events with our brands and publications should they arise. |
ICSA VIRTUAL-FORUM Six Monthly Virtual-forum with other ‘Centres of Excellence’ and associated Partners. |
CONSULTANT ACCESS Specialist virtual 1-1 with with our Consultants on operational issues, advise and legislation. One per annum. £125 thereafter per 4 total hours. |
ICSA CONFERENCE Plus Extra 1 ticket (total x 2 with Foundation Member ticket) |
‘Centre Of Excellence’ category £770 Per Annum. Or £65 per month + £5 pm admin. Price includes the above ‘Accredited Member’ discounted renewal subscription and related benefits. Bi-annual assessments discounted by 20% |

As an Academy Member, centres enjoy the benefit of being part of ICSA’s network of accredited cookery schools.
ICSA Academy Member Requirements
To hold ICSA Academy Member status, members must:
• Meet all ‘ICSA Accreditation’ requirements, and:
• Deliver training leading to an accredited qualification at any RQF* Level, or hold a formal training agreement with an institution delivering accredited qualifications, or:
• Be an ICSA Centre of Excellence delivering self-accredited qualifications who demonstrate active progression towards delivery of RQF* accredited qualifications.
• Demonstrate clarity and honesty in the way they market their professional courses in such a way as to not mislead prospective students.
• Optional but recommended to be registered on the UKRLP / BAC directory listing
• Optional but recommended be registered as a data handler with the Information Commissioners Office.
• Keep student admission and attendance records.
• Have sufficient number of first-aid trained staff.
• If students are under 18 years old or there are vulnerable adults: Safeguarding policy, Enhanced DBS disclosure records for all staff, a nominated person with overall responsibility for student welfare.
• Have the following policies, or equivalent in place with a system for regular updating**:
– Complaints Procedure
– Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
– Assessment Appeals and Re-Sit Policy
– Equality Policy
– Health and Safety Policy
– Anti-bullying Procedures/Policy
– Disability Policy
*Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) (or equivalent)
**ICSA can provide templates/support to members who do not currently have these in place.
ICSA ‘ACADEMY’ Members will also receive:- | Included | |
ICSA WEBSITE: ACADEMY PROFILE FEATURE UPGRADE Including video option showcasing your venue to potential students (self recorded within spec) eg Leiths Academy Listing |
SOCIAL MEDIA Shares & RT’s on all key Academy generated comms which ICSA is Tagged. #ICSAAcademy TAG for all key comms |
CONTENT GENERATED FEATURES Professionally written features can be submitted for inclusion on the ICSA website, and associated B2C websites where relevant. Plus ICSA generated features on your accredited courses.Featured on GourmetXperiences lifestyle site, and with our media partners including delicious and Food & Travel Magazines + supporting online media. |
ICSA STUDENT PROGRAMME Invitation for all course attendees to sign up to our ICSACOOKS.club‘ membership, for additional student discounts on course materials, cookery utensils from our supplier Partners, plus exclusive content and access to our E-LEARNING programme. |
E-LEARNING ‘ Inclusion in the ICSA-ACCREDITED ONLINE LEARNING Programme – Full details to follow on how we are speeding up our members on-line presence. |
CTH MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS All CTH applications and associations on-going student fees will be reduced to ICSA Academy members: – 50% off the listed rate for New Centre Approval – 10% off the listed rate for existing and new student examination/assessment |
ICSA CONFERENCE Actual or virtual: x 2 additional tickets (On top of ‘Accredited member’ ticket. 3 in total.) |
ACADEMY VIRTUAL-FORUM Inclusion on the quarterly on-line forum with fellow Academy members, select supplier demos, new product trials and guest speakers. |
ICSA ACADEMY Member: £960 Per Annum. Or £80 Per month + £5pm Admin. Price includes the above ‘Accredited Member’ discounted renewal subscription and related benefits. Also now qualifying for CTH student fee reductions. 2 Yearly Assessments Included |

Available as an entry level step into becoming an ICSA Accredited Member, prior to assessment.
Schools and partners supporting ICSA and the membership are able to benefit from the ICSA network and support whilst they apply for full membership, or brand Partner status.
Qualifying schools must provide an excellent cookery experience prior to assessment as they are either not yet ready, or have yet to be assessed (within 12 months of application)
– All, including the associates, can now benefit from the ‘ICSA Partner Support’ including:
WEBSITE LISTING Profile within the ‘Associates’ section. + Featured on the ‘Greatest British Cookery Collection‘ Consumer site. Promoting yoru cookery experiences. |
PARTNER DISCOUNTS Increased discounts from our Partner suppliers, up to 30% on key items including reduced rate utilities, and annual insurance. |
NATIONAL GIFT VOUCHER SCHEME National Gift voucher scheme, promoting cookery school experiences provided to all myLakeland Customers: Automatic inclusion – 10% processing fees |
ON-LINE FORUMS Invite to participate on open virtual-forums on key topics. |
PRINT MEDIA Cookery Schools Collection Magazine Inclusion. |
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Access to our network of professional advisors, cookery school consultants and Marketers, and reduced preferential rates. |
ICSA CONFERENCE Attendance to open section, with ‘meet the supplier’ benefits. Ticket price TBC. |
‘AFFILIATE’ PARTNER STATUS: £385* to apply year 1 + assessment £300. * Pre-pay. Final £300 can be paid monthly or paid pro-rata to align with our academic year Sept-August. |
Available to those who work closely with, or provide services to ICSA, our members and Alumni students. Including chefs, demonstrators, professionals, advisors and brands.
Affiliates supporting ICSA and the membership are able to benefit from the ICSA network. However they must share and support the ICSA core values and service standards.
ICSA ‘AFFILIATE’ | Included | |
WEBSITE LISTING Profile within the ‘Affiliates’ section. |
PARTNER DISCOUNTS Increased discounts from our Partner suppliers, up to 30% on key items including reduced rate utilities, and annual insurance. |
NATIONAL GIFT VOUCHER SCHEME National Gift voucher scheme, promoting cookery school experiences provided to all myLakeland Customers: Automatic inclusion – 10% processing fees |
ON-LINE CONTENT Invite to participate in ICSA associated on-line content, demos and courses. |
PRINT MEDIA Cookery Schools Collection Magazine Inclusion. |
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Access to our network of professional advisors, cookery school consultants and Marketers, and reduced preferential rates. |
ICSA CONFERENCE Attendance to open section, with ‘meet the supplier’ benefits. Ticket price TBC. |
Available to those cookery schools who focus on more of a ‘leisure experience’. Whilst they may not provide a full educational experience, as with ICSA members, their facilities and delivery remain at the highest standards. Providing a unique ‘Experience’ which also provides hands-on activity, and fully transferable, unique and memorable skills to their guests.
Course tutors/chefs/guest chefs must be experienced in their speciality and focus on the needs of the guest to receive a unique and memorable experience.

‘GREATEST BRITISH COOKERY SCHOOL GourmetXperience’ kite mark. | Included | |
WEBSITE LISTING Profile within our ‘Cookery Experience’ section. |
PARTNER DISCOUNTS Increased discounts from our Partner suppliers, up to 30% on key items including reduced rate utilities, and annual insurance. |
NATIONAL GIFT VOUCHER SCHEME National Gift voucher scheme, promoting cookery school experiences provided to all myLakeland Customers: Automatic inclusion – 10% processing fees |
GB GourmetXperience Feature & Listing Dedicated feature on our partner gift experience website, gourmetXperiences.co.uk (No.1 Google organic gift search results website) showcasing unique food related experiences to gift and purchase for indulgent treats. Exclusive providers of experiences to myLakeland members club, to over 1 million foodie consumers! |
PRINT MEDIA Cookery Schools Collection ‘Experience’ Magazine Inclusion. |
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Access to our network of professional advisors, cookery school consultants and Marketers, and reduced preferential rates. |
CHEF/VENUE PROFILE Created to showcase unique elements of your school, to our consumer members (over 15,000) and via our partner social media and print channels. |
‘COOKERY SHCOOL EXPERIENCE’ PARTNER STATUS: £480 Per Annum* Or £40 Per month + £5pm Admin. (* Currently includes ‘Remote Assessment’ RRP £140) Price includes all other category benefits above but is NOT an Accredited member, so unable to display or use the ICSA Accreditation Kite Mark. However will benefit from targeted pro-active commercial activity across our food media network. |

All categories of ‘Member’ and ‘Associate’ are now able to benefit from multi-platform promotion across our lifestyle consumer focused websites, social media, print and GourmetXpeirence.club membership.
Reaching 100’s of thousands of high end aspiring gourmand consumers, for good causes.
Annual ‘GREATEST BRITISH COLLECTION’ Guide printed, including all members and Associates.
Website here. Full details on request.