This news comes from Allergen Awareness.
As anticipated there was always going to be some element of change to the allergen labelling laws due in July 2016.
*The attached guide is for distributing among colleagues responsible for food labelling.  Please add a printed copy to your allergen unit files.
The focus here is the eradication of the term: No Gluten Containing Ingredients (NGCI)
Over the years we have seen some allergen matrices using this term.
Generally when declaring Gluten- Accredited businesses must use the correct method i.e. naming the actual cereal or cereals the gluten contains specifically: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt or kamut.  The word Gluten can be added to the actual cereal term if required, e.g. Wheat (Gluten).
Essentially this should not affect Accredited businesses but is essential knowledge especially for those producing or purchasing low gluten produce.  Please consult with your suppliers accordingly. 

*NB I will be emailing the PDF guide separately to members.
Also see news  article relating to this issue :

Please see and share this very informative short film made by