Jake-Pinn -Abinger-Cookery-School

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Abinger Cookery School, Surrey. 

What made you want to become a chef?

I fell into it. I went to art college and did general art and design and then went into photography. After that I went travelling and when I got home, I started working in a restaurant with my twin brother and never looked back.

Tell us a little bit about your career journey to becoming a chef tutor.

I worked on a luxury private yacht and was lucky enough to travel around the Caribbean cooking for all on board for 4 months. I was honoured to cook for HRH Prince Edward for Surrey Day in 2021 when the cookery school I work at was invited to attend an event at our local farm shop.

How long have you been working at Abinger Cookery School?

I have been with the cookery school for 7 and a half years now and am still enjoying it. The company was taken over in 2020 by Lizzie and her parents, so have been working under the new owners now for a few years.

We work closely with Weber and run grill academies all year round. We are lucky enough to be in The Surrey Hills so work with some fantastic local suppliers and guest chefs who come in to teach their specialities. We teach courses to suit all, from our basics to our more advanced, to make sure everyone feels included.

What can students expect from your style of teaching/their overall cookery experience?

I enjoy getting to know the customer and what their needs are, so I can make it fun and inclusive and simple enough so that they can easily make it again at home.

Our more advanced courses suit people who have perhaps more time and equipment at home so that they can replicate more advanced dishes.

What aspects of working as a Chef tutor do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy teaching the Weber BBQ courses as people don’t realise just what you can do on a BBQ, for example we teach you to make cakes and Yorkshire puddings.

I also really enjoy taking my skills and student inspirations home and and cooking for my family, especially Italian food.

Sustainability is one of the five ICSA core values member must adhere to. How do you operate a sustainable kitchen?

We try to use every part of the ingredients, whether it is the carcase of the chicken for stock or trimmings of vegetables, so nothing is wasted. We only order what we need and also look at seasonal produce.

3 ingredients we always have in…

Hard to say. We have such a variety of courses on offer it depends what cuisine I am teaching but I always have the three cooking principles of salt, acid and fat to hand.

What are your favourite kitchen ‘must have’ gadgets?

An instant read thermometer, tasting spoons and my chef’s knife.

What’s your top kitchen tip?

Knowing how to season food properly and at what stage of the cooking process to do this, it always makes such a difference.

What does being an Accredited Member of ICSA mean to you and your cookery school?

This means we can run ideas and problems past fellow members and get support from each other. ICSA also help us with discounts for equipment from companies as well as promoting us through their PR channels.

Alongside ICSA, the likes of Michelin and AA are always very respected bodies that hold a lot of influence.

Finally…describe your unique cookery school experience to someone who may never have been?

Friendly, homely, relaxing but very involved. We have small classes so that everyone is included and can get stuck into the cookery easily.

Thank you Jake…now back to work!

Read more about Abinger Cookery School, their cookery courses and year round Weber BBQ classes here

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